Monday, July 30, 2012

Need to relax

Sometimes you just want to close your eyes for a moment and think of a better place. Well for some of us this can be easier said then done, however with you can at least get as close to the real thing without leaving the room.

Simply choose the soothing imagery and be taken away with the realistic sounds of gentle waterfalls, rolling meadows with animal sounds.

To relax even further you can choose the 2 minute calming session, where a calm voice relaxes you with breathing and places you into a sense of calm.

Why not check it out...

Twitter Monitoring

So how do you like your twitter. With many apps around these days sometimes you just want a plain simple web site that gives the information you need.

How about checking out monitter

A simple no nonsense live twitter filter, allows you to specify a key word and have all related posts display to your screen. Add multiple columns to display multiple results at once. Ability to pause the incoming tweets so you can read them if they are coming in to fast.

Monitor Environmental issues around the world.

Came across a website that collects and displays data related to world environmental events and plots them in Google Maps : -

Seems very interesting to be able to monitor climate events , earthquakes , storms and the like on a world scale.

At the time I viewed the site , there was a Heat Wave in Japan, and a Tropical Cyclone over Taiwan.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

360 degree view of cities around the world

Found this amazing website that offers 360 degree Panoramic Pictures of several cities and locations around the world. 360 Cities provides an amazing assortment of panoramic images from around the world. My favourite has to be the panoramic image of London with superb quality imagery with an amazing zoom ability.

360 Cities also show some interesting under water panoramic images , but click the World Map and view the many panoramic images from around the world.